God Works through different [people] in different ways. 1corinthians 12:6
SKILLED POTTERS recognise that when they press clay it presses back.,giving them an indication of what it can and cannot become. Amature potters often lack that discrement-and the end work Provs it. When you dont honor your raw material.,reality becomes your enemy. The word vocation comes from the latin word for voice. Discovering your callings involves listening very carefully. If you close your ears and pursue something you neither called no equiped to do, you will end up living with anxiety that whispers. You're trying to do something God didn't tell you to do. The courage to acknowledge what you are' not' brings great Freedom ;the lack of it imprisons you. Parker palmer write you can not chose your callings ;you must let your life speak, perhaps you were created to learn, and in so doing to benefits others. If you are, you will find yourself drawn to readin, reflecting, writing, and teachin. However, if you are convinced (or others convince you)that you must be a corporate succes in order for your life to count, you will always be sawing against the grain of your life. Instead, learn to ride the horse in the direction it's going. Philosopher mortimer adler writes about brilliant minds called to sit at the table of what he terms 'the great conversation of human race'. Well Guess what?. Ninety nine percent of us will never sit at that table! But we can look forward to the commendation : ' well done... GOOD and faithful servant' (mattew 25:21),that God Promised to those who hear His call, accept it, devote their lives to fulfilling it.
Remain bless friend, kindly follow up to get the next publication.
Grace so amazing foundation (GSAF).
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