Wednesday, April 20, 2016

More Shocking And Fascinating Facts About Sex You Probably Don't Know. - Romance

Most psychologists and marriage counselors will agree that sex is an extremely important part of every romantic relationship arguably the most important even though few wouldn’t dare admit it openly. Sex is something you engage in with your partner that you don’t do with anyone else. Of course, you can also embrace, talk to, and kiss your partner to express your love, but you usually do these things with your mother, your siblings, and even your friends. Sex, on the other hand, is the definitive act that draws the line between the kinds of relationships we have with people. Further, sex as a unique expression of intimacy appears to have numerous benefits for one’s life and health, as many studies have shown: it’s a stress reliever, it reduces the risk of cancer (especially prostate cancer in men), reduces pain in many cases, improves sleep and can even cure insomnia in some instances, it even enhances skin and overall health. Most importantly however, sex between a man and a woman is the natural means of reproduction, perpetuating the human race. In other words, one could claim that sex is life. These are Odd and Bizarre Facts About Sex You Probably Didn’t Know.
1. Jonah Falcon is having the largest joystick in the world, is 13.5 inches.
2. According to The State University of New York study, Fluid can help fight depression. Fluid contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, and induce sleep. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase feelings of affection in the brain.

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